In a totally whacky universe, somewhere between Jules Verne and Japanese animation films, our flying madmen and women, eccentric adventurers equipped with their strange machines, desperately try to take off.
In order to discover the end of the world, they face every danger, guided in their crazy quest by their musicians, carrying the light… But will they fly?
Format: Luminescent street performance with possibility to include a final show
Duration: parade without final 2 x 45 min or 1h30
- Static show 30 min
Music: 6 live musicians, with sound system- acoustic fanfare – festive gypsy jazz
- original music.
Technical effects: Sound and light show – Pyrotechnic effects provided by the company
Parade full version: 12 artists and 1 stage manager = 14 persons.
Parade short version: 11 artists and 1 stage manager = 12 persons.
- Achille Buzard, storyteller, driving the Véloplane
- Lady, the muse in her hot-air balloon
- The Lamouette brothers, 2 actors in a hot-air balloon
- Turbine and Piston, 2 stiltwalkers with wings The Light Carriers,
- 6 musicians
- Alphonse La Roue, Driver of the sound system
Credits photos : Cie Remue-Ménage – Show registered at the SACD